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Potty Training Success

Potty Training Success

A year ago, almost to the day, I wrote a blog called “Potty Training Envy” and I rambled on how hard it had been after two failed attempts at potty training Ari. I felt defeated, and flat, like a failure, that I didn’t have the tolerance to keep...
Paudha Healing

Paudha Healing

If I’m being honest the first time I heard the name “Paudha Healing” I thought surely it was a page that belong to some hippie lady living in Byron Bay that was going to cleanse my chakra with crystals while dancing naked around a fire on the beach...

Hypoxi Journey Update

I started my journey with Hypoxi over 6 weeks ago now, and when I wrote my first blog about it I was still sceptical that something so easy would really get any results. Now I’m half way and can give you a more educated opinion as I have seen what results, if...
Dealing with “The Threenager”

Dealing with “The Threenager”

Parenting hack #354 We all know parenting isn’t easy and if you say it is, I will leave you with my two blessings (turdburgers), and run. I will run off on you, choosing to come back only when you are ready to be good and tell the truth. As my children grow, I...

The mum working holiday.

I chose to be a stay at home mum (SAHM) but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. This year was the first year I stayed home without being on maternity leave, but rather just because. Not because I could comfortably, or there was no one to look after my children,...
Hypoxi Journey

Hypoxi Journey

My Hypoxi journey. Let me start by saying I had never heard of Hypoxi before last month, I hadn’t noticed any of their signage anywhere or even heard of a friend doing it, so when I was approached to try it out and be a part of their HYPOXI #MumLifeHack...