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The Prankster Part III

Last installment and these were my top 2. I hope they don’t disappoint. 2. Sad  One year, on April Fools again, I sent all my friends the same message saying: “I’m out the front of your work. Sorry didn’t know where else to go. I need to talk.” All whilst...

The Prankster Part II

Here are the next two… Enjoy. 4. Spider in the cot. Ok, so another one to do with my husband and the mummy forum. I used to always freak out that I would turn on the monitor and there would be something in the cot crawling around with my infant, so I decided it...

The Prankster

  Ok, I can honestly promise you this will be my best blog so far. It’s a little long so I apologise in advance. Having a brother that was six years older than me and being born into a family with eight male cousins older than me, I had to toughen up fast....

Subtle as a brick in the face

    “Strike while the iron is hot” they say. So, here I am, only a day after the intro, typing up another post. The feedback I got was that I should be me, blunt, unfiltered, brick face, Zoe. Here goes. This post is bound to ruffle a few feathers, but I...

My first blog

  If you are reading this, chances are you have already spotted me on some social media platform and know something about my crazy life. If this is not the case, strap yourself in for the ride! So, let me tell you a little bit about myself as I think it’s best I...