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The Gringlish Co.

The Gringlish Co.

The Gringlish Co. Growing up in Australia with Greek parents, meant broken English on one end and broken Greek on the other. In many cases, like mine, we amalgamated words into sentences that made a new language called “Gringlish”. Some example of this: “mum… peinao...

Work Life Mum Life

Work Life Mum Life Balance? Is that even achievable? I had a few people recently write to me asking for me to share my tips on work/life balance and I think I chuckled. Do I look like I have it under control? Some days I do, I’m bouncing off the walls feeling super...
Do you even DIY?

Do you even DIY?

Who doesn’t love a DIY? Well actually a lot of people, oops for them, but personally I love to! Ever since I was old enough to hold tools my dad (who is very handy) used to let me assist him on projects around the house. I just love getting my hands dirty. I...
The Life of a Foster Mum – Guest blog

The Life of a Foster Mum – Guest blog

The Life of a Foster Mum For 404 days I was able to watch him grow, For 404 days I helped him achieve his milestones, For 404 days I was able to love him unconditionally. Now it has been.. 792 hours since I was able to see his little face, 792 hours since I was able...
A mother who models.

A mother who models.

A mother who models. So, I have an uber scientific theory on parenting (for the record I’ve been a parent for what feels like 30 seconds, and I have but one cherub). It’s mainly based on a realisation I had. A quintessential “a-haaaa” moment....